Happy Fathers day and this Friday happy independence day for Madagascar! what a week!...not going to lie it was kind of a time to have a
mental meltdown but I am doing a lot better today. Just feeling the weight of
about 200 members on my shoulders but that's ok. Things are going a lot better.
On Friday I had the AWESOME opportunity to receive the
experience of building a house, and feeling like I was in the Prince of Egypt.
I became..... A pit dancer. I danced in the pits making mud for about 4 hours
and boy oh boy do I feel for those Children of Israel. Haha we even put music
in the background just to make it that much more real. All I needed was to have
a staff and be like "LET MY PEOPLE GO!" Haha I tell you one of my new
goals is to make a house in my backyard out of mud and then I can use that for
my children when they get older, and the best part is that it is free! :) Time
to become a master of the mud pits!
Eliane is doing awesome, and is learning really well. She is
so ready to be baptized and I am super excited for her. SO AWESOME!
One of the exciting things this week is that Elder Coleman
and Reynolds should be coming to move into our house. So that is going to be
Incredible! I am way excited for that.
Other then that things are going great and I am still loving
it here in the great land of Manandona. Haha good old Fort D.
Well I love you all. Thanks for all your prayers. They are
really needed.
Love Elder Lehr